Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Mr. Vincent Price On Wines..


marram62 said...

Anonymous said...

Link's down! You mind re-upping it?

marram62 said...

vinny talkin' 'bout the wine and bein' all like professional about it but you know he was plastered...
link could be down for awhile but maybe one day it'll magically reappear...maybe yes,maybe no...

Doccus Rockus Maximus said...

Hmmm..."Doctor Phibes Rises again'.. err.. maybe he rises not.. looks as if he's had one too many ;-)

Dirk Bill said...

Gotta have Vince on the juice... will put right next to the Orson Welles cheese commercials!!! Whenever you can re-post I will pounce. You and your sites are phenomenal!